Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sayings For Wedding Coolie Cup

The Bolle CTF

The term Bolle and CTF may not be able to start any more, so a brief explanation. Bolle is a veteran member of the RC Charlottenburg , division RTF (cycling tours), his real name is unfortunately not known to me and all call him simply "Bolle". Outside the RTF season, which runs from mid-March to mid-October, many want RTF drivers do not just sit behind the stove and wait for spring, but what they are doing well otherwise, Cycling. Therefore have some smart people who CTF , new German country tour ride that up. The procedure is similar to a normal RTF , only that it is here off of paved roads through the botany and the track lengths and the scoring of the more difficult conditions are adjusted. And the CTF was launched by the Grunewald Bolle and he is also concerned about the smooth running of this beautiful tour, so therefore Bolle CTF.
So today finds the 6th edition instead of the now legendary amusement, I had been there a total of 3 times, recently in 2007. Reason enough, once again on this beautiful round through the Grunewald ride. The weather is very good for mid-November, several hours of sun and up to 18 degrees are provided by the meteorologists in view.
to increase by 10 clock set to go, I do not like spreading hatred and drive just before 8:30 clock in Kaulsdorf going to just 30km from Berlin, I use the same for a little sightseeing.
Frankfurter Tor Even the sun came out.

Am Gendarmenmarkt is being made of the Christmas market.

view of the "Hollow Tooth"

Unfortunately, I run through the Fotografiererei out of time and I am now but at the last minute at the start. Olli, I have come to know through the recumbent and with whom I had arranged to meet me is already there. Quickly on to the 7 euro entrance fee pulled the trigger and off you go. There are two groups, one leaves the more challenging round, we take, not least because Olli a touring, the group with the easy level.

goes in right direction, it ordered two series Havel. In some places it is pedestrians and other cyclists a bit tight, and sometimes has a lot of rain the last few days the ground soaked properly, do it the fun but in no way cancel. The path winds its way past the mountain devil gently up and down through the woods.

behind some narrow places to wait for remaining riders, the route is not signposted as RTF's normal.

In the summer you would not easily come by at the beach Wannsee.
Near Kohlhasenbrück there is food, rich and even coffee is not missing: o) The route is placed so that we come here to the nearly 50 km long route twice over.

On Griebnitzsee it is also somewhat muddy, with the wide Schwalbe tires no problem. Unfortunately, at some point is also the most beautiful tour over, I still have some time and just go with Olli him home because he invited me to a kite flying at Tempelhof Airport.

This is despite the many people with enough room to help his two steering mats. And we meet here is a friend of Ollie, who also has his mat while driving.

The wind is quite strong on the airfield, and we can only get the smaller of the two mats. I may sometimes be on the steering loops and master of the mat, which, because of the gusty wind sometimes is not so simple. It's great fun to fly at high speed curves, loops of trust is still far from me. Unfortunately, the fun lasts long, the mat caught the flight line side of another dragon, a steering rope breaks and the mat itself is the cord of the other dragons cut in several places and unusable. Bad luck!

I want to be with your coffee at home, say goodbye and make my way home, certainly not without taking a look at some nice places over here at the Biesdorfer Stretch
and here at the church on the B1 Biesdorfer
and here at the castle Biesdorf ;-)

Finally, I drive a little zigzag through Kaulsdorf to as many points for the to get Winter Cup, after 107 kilometers and 330 minutes drive come along 22nd That was a great day today, the weathermen have promised too much!
All images in Picasa: click
and the track at Bikemap: click
and the report by Olli: Please click

Monday, November 8, 2010

Where Can I Find Fortiguard

Modder tour through the autumn forest

The MTB through the mud forest ;-)
it rains for days, but today it will remain dry on Sunday. Opportunity for a bike ride ... morning I'm still undecided with which bike I could go where. Who has the choice, the agony because of the fog I would not necessarily go only road so I take some time today a planned round trip to Buckow addressed. It will pass many beautiful lakes, forests and even go beyond Prötzel Strausberg back.
at 9 clock I start well wrapped in fog and fresh 3 degrees. draws

Even joggers out there at this time already.

in the forest then the meltdown - puddles where the eye can see. I already expected it, but this makes me doubt the extent of the feasibility of my plan. Well, first time go on, perhaps, is improving the Wegzustand yet.

The "old lace mill has closed. About the time most probably sitting at home at the breakfast table.
west of Strausberg Fängersee On the way is somewhat mobile.

At Great Lattsee must not be caught.

beautiful it is here anyway, and not a soul far and wide :-)

Blumenthal at Prötzel

The Wegzustand does not improve, I could simply switch to the nearby main road, no, I must get through ... blame themselves :-(

In Prötzel I cross the newly tarred road Strausberger. But I stay on the planned track and dive back into the forest a modder ...

Here someone forgot his pumpkin.

What the Castle Prötzel is left, looks quite good from far. An investor wants to invest here and a luxury hotel to make of it. Let's see ;-)

The laying of new gas line from the Baltic to the Czech Republic OPAL left to my delight a wide muddy path, their crossing would be needed rubber boots.

art to rest in Prädikow. Is somewhat uncomfortable with the backpack, to which I have not thought of when I press the self timer.

More art. Funny, somehow reminds this sculpture of something if I only knew what ...

No art: Halloween remains

Prädikow Behind the clay soil makes it more difficult still, to avoid the puddles. There is almost nothing, so I had not presented the Sunday. I will be as soft as the field and give me the last few kilometers to Buckow, turn around and ....

... go back to the Strausberg-or-bike trail. A totally new driving experience can get my spirits back.

At the airport, Strausberg

In Strausberg once consumed calories are replaced. My muddy appearance is viewed sympathetically by the nice women behind the bakery counter and I neglect to take at a table and verkrümele me of a bar table.

The hot coffee has increased my risk-taking, and instead of taking the shortest way home, I'm going yet another detour through the Val d'Anna ....

... and around the Stienitzsee. Here, the sun can shine through even some of the cloud layer.

If I'm here, I can immediately continue on the 66-lake trail and get past the industrial ruins in Rüdersdorf.

The Billow Portal on Museum Park Rüdersdorf

Finally, to eliminate the traces of the day, after 90 kilometers, then the sludge batch to end.
Here is the route to bikemap: CLICK
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