Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Body Opponent Bag For Sale Calgary

running in the heat

running in the heat:

The higher the temperature, the higher of course, the heart rate during running training - so are a few things to consider. :

taken from Michael Buchleitner / Courier:

"It's really important that you submit your training in the early morning and late evening hours to prevent heart rate fluctuations and to avoid a possible ozone pollution

. One can get used to the early running as well as late to training. The latter of course requires a great discipline at the last meal. You do not want to increase despite running! If your running in the morning, eat a snack and drink something. Wait at least twenty minutes after getting up before your gets going and starts quiet. Then after a few days of practice this morning classes are fun.

far more important: the fluid intake ! The tendency we all drink too much, 2-3 liters a day should take every one of us to himself and an additional 1 per hour of exercise once more liters.
While in everyday life with a balanced diet of water is adequate, the runner additional access to electrolyte drinks to the sports in the operation lost through sweat to replace previous minerals.
makes At high volumes it make sense to make sure that they have a high proportion of complex carbohydrates to the energy stores after exercise to replenish "

whole article.
running in the heat / Courier


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