Sunday, May 23, 2010

How Much Is Anal With An Escort

For anti-nuclear camp in Mescherin

At last weekend again, this time even by Whit Monday on 3 free days of long weekend. The weather forecast looks up to a few showers from the Northeast good. A target is found quickly, friend Volkmar, in addition to 3 other possibilities and a trip to anti-nuclear camp in Mescherin stock. There should be a bonfire and live music.
We meet Whit Saturday morning shortly after 8 clock at Berlin-Mahlsdorf and rely on small side streets, the Berlin city area. For such long journeys I take my course, grass hoppers, Volkmar is familiar to his three-speed men's bike, all his luggage in a huge backpack on his back. At warm temperatures and overcast sky, we pass Altlandsberg, essence Dahl and Strausberg and ride on the bike path there early or direction. But after a short time we have to make a forced break under tall trees, as it pours out of pitchers. The early morning view of the rain radar had had already guessed that just today or in the field common than initially predicted showers are expected. We wait a while, but suppressed the time, after all, have today 150 kilometers will be completed, and so we continue in light rain. Shortly before Wriezen there the next downpour, so we take refuge in a net in a bakery and enjoy the pleasures of the first tour cycling.
Here we continue in the drizzle, the declines on the bike path to the converted rail line to the Oder soon.
From now on we follow the course of the Oder north to Mescherin. The easiest way to take the Oder-Neisse Cycle Route and so the same way 100 km from time to drive back is a bit boring and can not be considered.
Hohenwutzen why we ride on the Polish side of the Oder and the Polish market can be left. Now, about 70 kilometers of track in Poland ahead. to see a few exceptions, like in this picture with a through-road, the roads are good and traffic. However, the height profile is anything but flat, and at some altitude, Volkmar push for its three gears, the wheel and often jumps off his chain.
it as just raining again Are we at the border crossing to Germany in Schwedt. At a lunch break and we will authorize us

a tasty sausage and a large beer: o) I use the pause to repair the connector at the hub dynamo. When driving through the dense forest I had noticed that my light does not work. Fresh strengthened further we go, before Gryfino (Greifenhagen) the road again full. Positive I notice the Polish drivers, many seem to have enough time and not rush, as if it were life and death.
Gryfino us falls in the powerful Church on the square. We resolve to strengthen us even in Poland. Here you have to pay in local currency, however, on the other side or in Germany, there are no major cities nearby, and so stay out in € payable shopping tourists. Volkmar has a few zloty and it is just enough for two beers: o)
It's Saturday night and pretty busy. Some young people show off their cars up grumble and let the wheels turn.
distribute Other small-Cola cans, we also enjoy the little burst of energy at the end.
We go to the other bank of the Oder and get to our destination, the anti-nuclear camp in Mescherin.
It's been going on in the evening after 7 clock and hardly anything. In a tent we get vegan potato soup, which is missing for my taste but little meat. The mosquitoes start to attack on the newly acquired blood donor and I am only times a diesel with Autan that makes really abruptly put an end to. As far away from just lit bonfires I build my tent on the outskirts of the big tent site, and put on dry clothes.
Then I join the people on fire. At first it seems as if the evening without a beer is going to end. But soon appeared on a box Wernesgrüner, two € change hands and Volkmar and I get one. The band has promised because of too little off Gage and so a guitar is used as a substitute. I'm pretty tired and not a big fan of singing around the campfire, so tarry I am in my tent, where I am awakened from time to time by the noise of the night round.
At 6 am I wake up early clock, a small round about the tent site and build from my tent. Volkmar sleeps in a wooden house next door, as agreed, I wake him at 7 clock.
it goes after a coffee on the way home.
Now we drive on the left-bank of the Oder on the very well-developed Oder-Neisse Cycle Route to the south.
In many villages you can see signs and banners against nuclear power.
First, you can smell it, then you see it: the PCK Schwedt.
Criewen In the castle we make a longer rest, Volkmar has to contend with the usual consequences of the upright driving and makes the rounds of the Lenne-Park.
The flood is not on its peak.
sheep are a useful thing - if only it would not be the legacy :-( (
In Niederfinow on boat lift, we want to come really anywhere, but it is Pentecost Sunday and proppevoll
is also the corner here because of the hills and curves in motorcycle riders very popular and we drive better. In Werneuchen we get finally to a snack without food and drink.
In Seefeld goes Volkmar towards Ahrensfelde, I'm going to Hönow home. As empty as in the pic as the village street is only very rarely.
The first multi-day tour this year offered in addition to lots of rain and much sun. The near-sunburn after nearly 290 kilometers in two days, the only after-effect of the tour with me, Volkmar is probably in the next few days be recalled more frequently when sitting out that such a saddle is not suited as a permanent seat.
surprised me on the outward journey, the rolling countryside right on the Polish side, which was much more interesting than driving on the dike on the German side.
Here are the tracks:
one way

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Shrimp Boats Ft Myers

Neuhardenbergnacht or a tour of a different kind

Volkmar My friend had reported in recent days, and a trip to Neuhardenberg invited to Neuhardenbergnacht . We are already well no longer together, and it is not a question of whether I go with him. The only downside to the point, is that Volker has not recumbent. I decide to ride upright. So who is only on stories from the deck of cycling can stop reading here: o)
We meet at the station clock to 16 Mahlsdorf. I had rigged up a nice route that will lead us to not too many detours to the target, because we want to see the show and the fireworks be so as against 19 clock. After all, 60 km to ride and race, we do neither. So we continue on well known routes of Hönow and Altlandsberg to Strausberg.

The Drängelgitter seem to be right for motorists not an obstacle.

The R1 behind Garzin with his bandage and the mobile good hard shoulder.

goods we have an overcast sky and cold 14 degrees drove off, the weather improved and increasingly we take a small break in the Buckow Schermützelsee. So many times I have been here, like now I've seen the lake before. The morning and evening hours are just the best! While I will continue on the R1, Volkmar points to the map on a small trail through the Stobbertal, E11 the European path. I'm skeptical at first, but with the Aufrechtrad can try it at least. The roads are good mobile and we will pass the injection Hagen mill. I had secretly hoped that we get here neat Choriner beer, unfortunately, is already closed.
The Stobbertal expands and I am a photo of a bison herd. The trail is varied, sometimes sandy, short pavement sections and sometimes we have to push on an incline. We pass a sign saying "Neuhardenberg 10 km," too far is not so. Unfortunately, we lost our way and make a very nice detour. At some point we're back on a road near Neuhardenberg, it is already dark, and countless cars line the road.
We meander through vast amounts between pedestrians and close to our bikes at the Castle Neuhardenberg . The whole castle park is full of people and a band plays country music.
After 20 minutes queuing we finally have our well-earned beer, is to show time and we still go to church Schinkel.
Then the show begins the "Plasticiens flounces" , huge fish and a sea serpent appear. The fish are playing with a small pearl, appears to a rather dangerous looking snake and in addition to smaller marine animals, the pearl "eats". Only a giant octopus can defeat the snake and the fish play again with the pearl. This rather simple plot is clever lighting effects and appropriate background music an unforgettable Experience. The subsequent fire station off the lock gate is composed of pyrotechnics champion Joachim Berner and great.

Here's a video of it, unfortunately we are too close to a box and the sound is lousy :-(

After a grand finale, the fireworks against 23 clock over and the crowds make their home. We grab our bikes and pave our way through the crowd, who flock to their cars. We want to side roads to the station Strausberg Nord and expect that the continuous flow of vehicles at some point towards B1 and B158 turns. Nevertheless, We have quite a while in a respectful Distance of vehicle convoys of date, we are far and wide, the only cyclist. At some point, finally enters a retirement, it is clear and we hear in many places call nightingales. In Strausberg we drive on the airfield, here is an airfield party came to an end and a few people sitting in front of closed beer stalls and do not go home. Arriving at the station the train to Berlin is already there and after half an hour I say goodbye to Volkmar. At half past 2, I'm falling for a total of 98 kilometers by bike at home and happy in bed. It was a beautiful day with many new impressions.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Enlarged Liver 18 Year Old

monk cycle and no beer in sight

a lively conversation on Saturday night via Twitter about different types of beer my appetite has not increased to a freshly tapped beer irrelevant. What could be better to combine the next day, with pleasure and to make a bike trip to a brewery. Said and done, breweries, there are indeed enough, but few in beautiful surroundings. So my choice is Neuzelle, which is on the bike path monk and there is a remarkable monastery and a small brewery, which is successful for many years now, against the takeover attempts of the major players in the brewing industry to fight back. The brewery I had met during a previous visit on a guided tour.
The track me when I call "Radnavigator Brandenburg down and save them on my Garmin. Sometimes it will go on dirt paths, and so do I replace a precaution, the narrow profile of non-Conti grand prix against broader ContiContact. Switching to wider tires is due to the planned multi-day tour of the Assumption in anyway.
I'm very early on Sunday dropped out of the bed and shortly after 8 clock at the station Müllrose. I go first to a large lake and do not begrudge my Müllroser Hoppi some sun. This also leads the monk bike path along which I follow now in the Schlaubetal.
Initially it rolls fine, but then that happens, something that happens too often, the initially good Wegzustand deteriorated dramatically within a few kilometers. Because comfort is not even the beautiful view over the lake. To turn around I'm already gone too far and so I go lurching and pushing through the woods and feel angry about the armchair strategists, which, if at all, the way have left only with an SUV.
Too much is too much. Even monks in sandals would come out here not out of the cursing.
finally land in sight, the trail opens into a paved bike path that leads to Ragow mill. Due to the early hour, but still everything tight, just a lonely road cyclists rumbles about the Plaster. Racing cyclists are still allergic to bad roads? This gives me hope, and indeed, after I had the altitude difference worked out of the valley, the road surface changes to 1a asphalt.
Finally it rolls right and I get to Forsthaus Siehdichum is more going on here already, some hotel guests have breakfast and bring their bags to the car. A little girl on a Kettcar has unusual interest in my bike and annoys their mom with questions.
The road from the forester's house one street down to the "small Schinkensee" (as he probably came to this name?), The road surface will return to cobblestones. After a brief photo stop I go further, now I must get out of the Schlaubetal, which involves a couple of meters. This also requires the patch, so exhausting, I had not my little round of beer presented. At some point, is the managed and now follows the monastic route little used roads, often on a separate bike path.
Slowly comes my goal for the day in sight, Neuzelle.
In anticipation of the coming beer enjoyment I turn a little tour around the Abbey and the beautiful plants and then control the monastery hermitage directly next to the monastery brewery Neuzelle. Outside, there are still plenty of seats available and I study ever get the drinks. Good selection, Bitburger, Wernesgrüner, yes, and where is Neuzeller? Ah, here with bottles of beer, waas:?-O
safe side, I ask the operator whether there really is no Neuzeller on tap in the monastery hermitage. No, it was too expensive. And that's where the brewery is not even 50 meters away. It is just a small brewery, the Great has long been a thorn in the side and not in huge computer-controlled brewing hektoliter large containers produced tens of varieties of beer. Germany, Germany, where beer is your culture? If this continues, soon we drink Bitburger and Krombacher Made in China. The operation shrugs his shoulders, they do not even know Landskrone Pils from Görlitz.
is really earn your salt, so I'm fast enough to get away. My hope to get a fresh draft Neuzeller Klosterbräu depends now on one of the pubs in the villages, which I'm going on my way back yet. First of all I must return some altitude the Odertal out, in general, it is here for conditions Brandenburger pretty wavy.
my odyssey ends in a village at an inn with the long-awaited sign. Outside is not a man to see and I entere the pub. The woman at the counter has only the "Black Abbot" offer that is better than nothing, so I make myself comfortable out there with my Hopper.

Continue on empty streets and always beautiful up and down. Shortly before Rose is garbage on the roadside a sign on the Ragow mill, where I am today passed early. Somehow I still feel like a second beer and I'll take the sandy and rocky road to the mill to me.
There Hasseröder from a glass basin. Na Prost Mahlzeit!
This time I leave the mill, the well-paved bike path back to Müllrose and let the monk bike path on the left. A short time later I'm back at the station, pretty exhausted after only 73 kilometers and about 400 meters. Somehow must be wrong because Bikemap, I would have appreciated the double. Whether it's the beer? The monk bike path I followed only to Neuzelle, from then on me, the OSM map in my Garmin has no hidden surprises back routed to waste rose. Here is the route .

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