Sunday, August 29, 2010

What Do Purple Rubber Bracelets Represent

rain and a broken spoke

is now the year already half-wheeled around and somehow we all already gone. With my HP Grass Hopper, Hopper called, but the driving was fun, but to back down this year 5000km somehow the air was out. Convenient and I could ride comfortably many beautiful trails and he has never let me down. For sporty driving, he seduced, however, not so I thought of my bike that unused for months standing around in the garage. A few weeks ago, I tried it then actually to go with it, and after some initial niggles, the first road bike rides together accounted for properly with a friend from Mahlsdorf fun.
On Scharmützelsee
Even in the short week at closing time round it is fun to Černý is the chance really. In the fall I will go back more recumbent :-)
Today is the last Sunday in August, unfortunately, of view invites the rain radar not an exit.
What's what you have rain gear, somehow I must get out today and a little later I'm sitting packed on my road bike. Already, in the district I give an older R19 - Drivers reason to complain my driving, I told him probably not go far enough right at the broken edge of the road and it cuts me honking. And although there's plenty of space left.
About the new road surface, it goes from Mehrow to Ahrensfelde, here I go on the left-side bike path up to the B158 Blumberg.
The B158 just before the A10
first time I've Galoshes check in the pouring rain and opportunity to develop their effectiveness. The 20 miles to here, they have kept my feet nice and dry.
bottom open Galoshes VAUDE
Continue on Elisenhof to Bernau. The track I'm not driven for ages, before I came by here more often, when I shot with my former boss Peter a grassroots training ride or to an RTF in Bernau 'm gone.
The stone gate in Bernau
In Bernau is watching it on the slippery cobblestones, but the Conti GP 4000s are also liable extremely well here. After a short break in the stone gate bananas I'm going back Börnecke. In Seefeld, I turn to the left to B158 Altlandsberg as it happens. Peng! In super fine asphalt tears on rear wheel spokes. Crap! After releasing the brake, and remove the broken spoke, I can happily go on and travel the last 20 kilometers with no further mishaps.
had a Speichenriß I have never been on a wheel, but the more I have seen in other racing cyclists, usually at system wheels with low spoke count. Therefore, I had counted on me not really with it, because I drive original Ultegra with 36 spokes rear.
Despite (or by) the rain and strong wind it was again a memorable tour that does not make it every day, and while continuing to be almost 60 miles on my road bike-kilometer account to come :-)
have remained true dry my feet but not by the Cleatöffnung came down by rain.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Free Mapouka Dance African


We want to return something to the environment

It is good to us! We are grateful!

But gratitude is not always enough, we want to actively do something to get the world and perhaps for one or the other, whether human or animal to make a bit more livable.
There are no earth-shattering feats of individual, but the many small gestures that change the world.

So we have decided, for the loss of our CO2 - emissions to take regular tree sponsorships. These properties are part tree planted by a club new trees, which will, in future for more clean air.

Further support through regular donations to the WWF in saving endangered species, because we do not want the wonderful diversity fades away the animals on our planet.

And since man is not to forget, we donate regularly to the club Nyota eV, absorbs the orphaned children in Kenya and allows them to, there can attend school.

also the welfare of children in Germany is a priority for us, so we support the SOS Children's Villages .

SOS Children's Villages

With us you can be sure to have helped the world a little.

Take our word and follow our projects at

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Level 41 Electrik Box

the internet before the turn of the millennium - is a success story

Already 1957 sends Russia (then Soviet Union), the first satellite into space. Widely known as "Sputnik". This is the final opportunity for the beginning of the Arpa project: to preserve the military intelligence infrastructure during a possible nuclear war damlas, a decentralized network established. The name: Arpanet. The Arpanet is considered the forerunner of today's Internet. The central concept was: Even if a node fails, the network remains functional in itself.

1964 a first draft was then published. 1969 take the first four host computer of the Arpanet online. At this time, and NCP, a precursor of IP, the first time. 1971 is made the FTP protocol in RFC 172 network. A straightforward file-sharing is thus possible. 1972 are then already 52 computers online, the first software for email and the Telnet protocol will be published. At the same time decides the Pentagon to make the access control harder: to the well from the outside to make it clear to set a "D" before the "Arpa": from now on is the power Darpanet.

At this time, long ago realized what people use the net at the most: the ability to remotely control the connected computer, though certainly for scientists at various universities very practical, not nearly as attractive as electronic mail, by far has the largest share of traffic. Sun eventually created one of the first major mailing list, the "SF-LOVERS" the science-fiction fans.

1973 finally Start the American universities, the new military restrictions on access to Darpanet their possibilities severely limited, there are parallel with the development of CSNET, but many connections between these two networks. The network will continue altogether called "Arpanet".

1974, the first results of a development launched in 1972 presented a new protocol: TCP / IP is born. From 1977 is only TCP / IP used to connect different subnets.

The development of the Arpanet is progressing steadily. More and more computers are latched into the network. 1979, the first shell scripts written for uucp-Automation: This means that in this year, the Usenet began.

1983 the Pentagon decides to decouple from the rest of the network Darapanet and change its name to "MILNET. Also in the fall of 1983 two other milestones: the Arpanet is complete - even internally - set to TCP / IP, the first drafts of a domain name system can be specified.

hosts we are with 28 174 1987 in a tremendous growth. A concomitant massive overload of the infrastructure will ultimately 1990 shutdown of the Arpanet.

The development is still a rapid pace: in 1986 constructed a Network of the National Science Foundation takes over the role of the Arpanet.

1988 finally - almost incidentally - the Internet Relay Chat developed. 1989 is probably the most important year in the history of the Internet: Tim Berners-Lee at CERN published the first drafts of his vision of the future of the network: creates HTML, the Web begins. 1993 be delivered first browser by NCSA: The Mosaic, the ancestor of all graphical browser, is there.

1994 founder Marc Andressen and Jim Clark, her company called Mosaic Communications, later renamed Netscape Communications. The company developed the Netscape browser, Market leader in browser-based business and by their brilliant success of the high tech stock market boom. 1994 is also the founding year of the W3C, the standards-making organization in the WWW. VRML 1.0 is also specified in this year - until today, this language remained deprived of the great success.

1995 is a first Internet telephony software on the market. In April 1995 a first version of the Apache server will be released in May, Sun Java launches will follow in December, the Apache version 1.0 and JavaScript - a landmark year for the WWW.

1996 Microsoft releases Internet Explorer 2.0, Netscape of his opponents but is still far been unsuccessful. HTML 3.2, A first draft of XML and CSS Level 1, also released this year by the W3C.

It follows 1997 HTML 4.0, XML 1.0 in 1998.

1998 is another milestone: Netscape releases the Mozilla code. Meanwhile, the inadequate Netscape 4.x has become a code the IE in many areas superior browser.