Wednesday, July 27, 2005

What Are Some Emulater Cheats For Ruby

Chaos technical criticism

A Link e-mail. Should I look at it. Thanks MS
Plom-Plom Blog of December 2004.

In fact, literally "second enlightenment". Plomplom was the CCC Congress. Reflects him with a thesis Neil Postman: Our society has become dependent on the technology, bring her an "incredible amount" of confidence in, without the reflection. Plomplom is actually better than The Postman. Because not so penetrating cultural pessimism. And, after all, he writes in a blog (art), traveling separately to CCC (technology). Art criticism with art. will

The most beautiful sets quotas me here:

"Since it is extremely reassuring that exists with the hackers a technical elite, whose understanding of technology with a healthy degree of mistrust (each IT solution is corruptible), creative anarchy (technical solutions to their purpose for other interesting unexpected abuse cases) and hold enlightened sense of mission (by effective media hacks to the public the dangers of ignoring the uncertainties of modern electronic information based society) goes. "

" And in the blogosphere will be the need for a representative democracy where the majority of citizens, are not about the mental competence to address political questions from you, took up the rebuttal. "

" The netizens are rational enough to be mature enough that the net public even consensus (not from the outside / upper-imposed Manufacturing Consent could operate!) and govern themselves. It does not need a grid network Repräsentanten.Die authorities or citizens are rational enough to be mature enough that even the Internet public consensus to operate (not from the outside / upper-imposed Manufacturing Consent!) And can govern themselves. It does not need a grid authorities or representatives. "

Plomplom comes naturally to the First Enlightenment. And the problem is that it still Auschwitz has given. Memorable.

10 Weeks Old Pup And Has A Bloted Belly

form follows illumination

thought cans of beer a more .

Registration at DMOZ . Oh.
created the mosaic of humanity easiest in the plurality of the Internet.

trivial thoughts, I know.
One would join. Everyone stays as it is. But there is the same question: What is the Second Fufklärung. For me. Respectively.

The order of the stones resulting from the order of discourse .

Ballet Shoe Modeling Sugarpaste

If "style" is the solution?

cans of beer-Markus stands up to the postmodern.

Sun: Everything is a quotation. Everything is Blogbar available. Assotiation. Language, language itself?
idea, pondering: The ego is style.
all groups only distinctive islands in the sea of "anything goes".

not work.
first Allusions to destroy the uniqueness. Does not help. SZ-Magazin. Now. Style sheets for beer in cans. The wars with the individuality.

second Style is form. The solution is always content.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Vtch Electronic Battleship

Alchemistic Management

"The seven types of managers - and has been successful."
The title on the Harvard Business skimmed 7 / 2005 sounds so lalala. Typology again, soso. We'll see.

After just a few lines, it says: "And yet relatively few managers try to understand their own logic of action and even less can be considered to change this should do it but..." Great: "That they should do but." Is it all just like that: Only those who get to know your personality and the development, can improve its performance. Sapere Aude! About yourself

Sensational then the first intermediate conclusion: There is a very small group of managers that are classified as "alchemists". Empathy, with high moral values, long-term thinking, extremely attentive. They create "raise the heart and mind" symbols and metaphors. How wise is this. The combination of Geführen and thoughts through a spiritual level. So integrated that the type of "material, spiritual and social change." Unheard triad.

This goes one step further than Jim Collins' Level 5 Manager

(The Good to Great, 2003) )

And here. Manager, the human lead into gold. Them. In small or large. This is probably the target.

The road is so different. Small groups, autobiographical writing, psychodrama, encounters with nature.

The good: Everyone can change, can take his level in attack. Lo go.

Probability Math Bingo

Postman's polemic

Neil Postman. Of course.
Uses the concept of the Viennese philosopher as a book title.

somehow right. Postman praises Kant and Montesquieu and Hume.

NB: Celebrate their Formulierungskkunst. Today, the colleagues are all second-class orator. Students lazy to prepare a second draft. Everything just second rate. I dug out the original extra. It is not in the translation: Even Postman is trying original. Terrible. The stone was to fall on the feet.

In interviews, he is much better than in his book: reading value, which Günter Kaindlstorfer has coaxed him. Postman argues against the postmodern. Derrida, he does not like. Lyotard'm wrong, etc. Post's protests as "true" and "are repealed wrong That you that." Combat "had to -.. By all means even I do not

are his tirades even than postmodern concealed doors. ... He constantly acts as if he performs unique critique of the evils of the culture on television, which deprived the parents of the parenting skills Blubb When you walk through the door. No world only quotes Highly self-referential May I certainly will not ...

Postman is a cultural pessimist. I will not proceed. I think He Lyotard understood to negative. The "end of grand narratives" is meant not pessimistic. It just does. But more on that later.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Grapfruit And Covercyl

Second Enlightenment Start

first time a bow.

Before Kant Against the possibility of using his own mind.

of the consequences: rationality as an accepted cornerstone. Follow the sequence: equality. Because only the argument counts. Not Pfaff wit and Mr. Law.

And then: freedom. Individuality. Everything must be questioned. Finally.

Ouch. Now it is already difficult. The man threw himself on

maiming. Why hold on? Family, role models, pregnancy counseling Pope, Peanuts manager. Everything is tottering.

new clichés. Phrases (Do not trust any statistics - appears in the Apocrypha, however). Phylogenetic been included in the ontogenesis of the lower classes television.

remains: you own It's hard. Overwhelmed many.

The concept of the "Second Enlightenment" is born.

So look.
What is my "Starry sky above me" - not only the Dalai Lama.
meaning of life - not only selfish gene.
Human economies - not only wind power plants and grasshoppers.

with. Think. Taking notes. Now. With you?

Job site: pluralism as a mosaic of humanity.