Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Vtch Electronic Battleship

Alchemistic Management

"The seven types of managers - and has been successful."
The title on the Harvard Business skimmed 7 / 2005 sounds so lalala. Typology again, soso. We'll see.

After just a few lines, it says: "And yet relatively few managers try to understand their own logic of action and even less can be considered to change this should do it but..." Great: "That they should do but." Is it all just like that: Only those who get to know your personality and the development, can improve its performance. Sapere Aude! About yourself

Sensational then the first intermediate conclusion: There is a very small group of managers that are classified as "alchemists". Empathy, with high moral values, long-term thinking, extremely attentive. They create "raise the heart and mind" symbols and metaphors. How wise is this. The combination of Geführen and thoughts through a spiritual level. So integrated that the type of "material, spiritual and social change." Unheard triad.

This goes one step further than Jim Collins' Level 5 Manager

(The Good to Great, 2003) )

And here. Manager, the human lead into gold. Them. In small or large. This is probably the target.

The road is so different. Small groups, autobiographical writing, psychodrama, encounters with nature.

The good: Everyone can change, can take his level in attack. Lo go.


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