Thursday, November 15, 2007

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system update

Almost every second employee in Germany, exactly 45 percent would like to strengthen its private pension plans. Last year the figure was 42 percent. Planning favorite with the staff, the specific measures, this is still a private pension, which will expand 23 percent. This proportion remained unchanged compared with 2006. advanced to the second place with 22 percent, the intention is to purchase a property for self use. In 2006 it proposed a fifth of the respondents. Third place with 19 percent occupied the Riester pension, which is becoming more popular. A large set of nine to 13 percent have done the fixed-income securities.

life insurance is paid as a pension, however not as popular. 16 percent of respondents currently do invest in this type of investment. 2006 it was 20 percent. Also equities fall year on year in popularity, as well as savings plans. The first time was in 2007, the query Bausparen immediately with a 14 percent share of sixth place to win the popularity stakes.

Source: German Postbank AG

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

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Christmas Shopping 2007 - The statistics update

The consumer enthusiasm of the German stops for Christmas. Also this year for the festival of love is not saved: this is about one in four of over 250 EUR for gifts. That was already the trend in 2006 and confirms the positive consumer climate. It is also interesting that tend to over half of the respondents is one of the "Last-minute shoppers" and 70 percent of the participants at least buy a gift online. This is apparent from this study, "Christmas Trends 2007 - What to give the Germans, "the Munich out eCircle The company has carried out in October this year, a survey of 2156 households with Internet access and thereby gained interesting insights into consumer behavior this holiday season

Media?.. market remains first choice for Christmas gifts

The winner in retail stores called in 2007 media market . This gave 34 percent of the participants to shop at the Metro-daughter Christmas presents. The second and third show the retail giant Karstadt and the cosmetics group Douglas with 25 or 24 percent share purchase. It Tchibo follow with just under 24 percent and Saturn with 22 percent. Kaufhof slipped compared to last year from fourth to sixth. The Swedish furniture company IKEA followed in seventh place, Hennes & Mauritz and C & A show as representatives of the fashion industry with 18 and 16 percent of the ranks of eight and nine.

Overall, a top 10 list of trading companies, which are quantitatively the most benefit from the holiday season.

The E-commerce is booming - Amazon is ahead

Another result of the survey: The shopping on the net gains greatly in popularity. Although the majority of Germans (74 percent) still prefer to buy from the shop, nearly 70 percent of respondents plan to buy at least one gift on the web. And even one in two in the group of over-60s, the so-called silver surfers, will shop online in 2007. When asked why there is like shopped online, there is a clear answer: About 70 percent prefer the hassle-free shopping around the clock. Benefit in particular from companies like Amazon and eBay . Amazon Sun dominates the undisputed top 10 the online stores with 50 percent share. In contrast, the online auction site eBay in 2007 ranking catch up significantly and as the Weltbild publishing group from second to third place. But even in the online stores of mail order is often ordered. Large mailers like source , Otto and Neckermann are fixed addresses for online shopping.

Communication is Key: Many users with information in advance information about special offers

Before purchasing gifts and products, nearly half of respondents Offers detailed information on the celebration. Here the Internet provides to the shops themselves are one of the main sources of information: 43 percent of all consumers to directly visit the manufacturer's website, 38 percent of searches in Shopping and opinion portals, and 18 percent are aware of online newsletter on interesting gift ideas. In addition, 35 per cent share with friends, good tips. "There is much potential," says Volker Wiewer, CEO of eCircle. "The information needs of consumers just before Christmas is huge. To most customers surf the net. Is present there, although every advertiser, but now it depends on the frequency of exposures to significantly . Increase Quick actionable online measures with long range offer up here. "And otherwise, the online channel on the rise, after all, sending about 90 percent of their Christmas greetings by email. Interesting would be to trade that almost 62 percent of respondents tends to be the "last-minute shoppers" are. If you make only in the last weeks before Christmas, their purchasing decision. And one in five men can be even up to 23 December period. can So here at the PoS or short-term measures implemented yet some moved. a demand for intelligent communication and marketing tools with which to respond flexibly shortly before the festival to consumer behavior.

books and music are the big sellers back to the hard

As of Christmas 2006, the leaders among the planned gifts books at 44 percent, followed by music with 32 percent and clothing with 31 percent. In addition, cosmetics, computer games and jewelry are very popular with the giver.

get Fortunately, over 80 percent most of the right of their loved ones to the party. On the wish lists are mainly books (33 percent), clothing (25 percent) and music articles (20 percent), beyond computers and accessories (20 percent) and jewelry (17 percent) desired. Pleasing is that only 2 percent of respondents do not like their gifts would be exchanged again. The absolute no-go's, for example, include homebrews like socks and wool sweaters, tacky clothes, kitchenware, and unnecessary appliances.

Source: eCircle

Saturday, November 10, 2007

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Mobile Media to a breakthrough?

presented TOMORROW FOCUS AG at the panel "Mobile Media - When will the breakthrough?" to 21 Media Days in Munich their analysis on the future of mobile marketing in Germany. TOMORROW FOCUS therefore expects a rise in Gross expenses for Mobile Marketing of 119 million € in 2007 to 640 million € 2011th This an annual growth rate of over 60%.

precondition is the wide dissemination of mobile phones with high-resolution displays that create an attractive environment for advertising. Products such as Apple's iPhone or Nokia's mobile phones, point to the trend of development. Equally critical to success is the high penetration of mobile data flat rates, which may already high growth rates.

The trend towards increased use of UMTS, the most important Prerequisite for a true 1-to-1 Internet to mobile phones will continue and grow in places even to compete with DSL. The use of known Internet services on mobile phones will increase accordingly strongly predicts TOMORROW FOCUS.

The use of GPS receivers in mobile phones by end 2008 will largely be standard and lead to a plethora of new spatial data-based services with high customer value. To view maps of larger mobile phones with high resolution displays are needed, which will support mobile TV applications such as DVB-H and UMTS streaming. Google's challenge to Microsoft and Nokia, Google Android is expected according to estimates by TOMORROW FOCUS medium term in a race for dominance of mobile search and heritage applications run on mobile phones.

summary, these trends will contribute to a wider target groups for development of mobile marketing applications and thus may already be for Christmas 2008, but 2009 at the latest lead to a strong growth of mobile marketing in Germany. A particularly high penetration is expected, especially among affluent and consumer-affinity target groups. The triumphant advance of mobile advertising is only a matter of time. Specifically, by 2009 it expected.


Friday, November 9, 2007

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bioenergy is an economic factor

235 600 people in 2006 in renewable energy deals, 41 percent of them in the bioenergy sector.

Source: FNR beat Agency of Renewable Resources

Thursday, November 8, 2007

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Petrol Price Update November

Which direction the fuel prices? What they were four, six or eight weeks? What factors play a role in increasing the cost or a price reduction? Answers provides the current fuel price graph of the ADAC today.

It shows the Development of the nationwide average price for super and diesel during the last ten weeks. Basis of the data collection is the gas station map that holds the Automobile Club for its members under Here, everyone can find out about cheap fuel opportunities in its environment and make themselves current prices.

Source: ADAC

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Doctor Showed Me His Penis

Manager Leiden: Unpaid bills

About 560 million hours per year must spend in Germany for companies to deal with their unpaid bills. According to a survey of businesses by Intrum Justitia, Europe's market leader in Credit Management. Count towards the total workload for processing accounts receivable are the direct amount of work hours for credit checks, supervision, reminders, initiate legal action, internal controls and accounting for the extra effort. In addition, the resulting costs for such support services provided by the IT or HR departments was not considered, so that the eventual total cost still exceeds the 560 million hours worked.

contact Broken down by company size companies with fewer than 20 employees on average around 425 hours per year for the Accounts Receivable processing, while companies in the size class of 50 to 249 employees must invest four times as much time. The statistically spent by each employee working hours makes it clear that arise in particular in small businesses much more labor cost for processing the unpaid bills than in medium or large companies. They have to spend almost 39 hours per year per employee, while occurring in companies with 50 to 249 employees nearly 18 hours.

"is a general statement that," said Fred Fegel, Managing Director of Intrum Justitia Germany, "that Germany is still too late, too often and too long intervals be warned. Even late payments and overdue fines and the introduction of legal action are used consistently enough. "Both in Germany and in the other Intrum Justitia studied European markets have shown that companies have the lowest hazard risks to the so-called 2-2-2 .-plus formula act would mean a first reminder within two weeks after the invoice due date, only two warnings before taking legal action, or handed over to a collection agency, reminder period not longer than two weeks as a "plus" will be added. rigorous credit check prior to delivery on account of exposure to interest from the first due date and exposure to reminders, consistent Requesting the interest and fines.

Source: Intrum Justitia Holding GmbH

Monday, November 5, 2007

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The football fan the (un) known being

The appetite of football fans and football is interested in detailed statistics and analysis has increased significantly in recent years. More than half of all football fans surveyed report a growing interest. Of over-saturation by increasing media coverage of top football can therefore be no question. This is evidenced by the intense media usage of the fans from an average of 144 minutes per game day. Many dedicated fans define themselves very strongly about what happens on the pitch. For their reputation football knowledge is believes will be even more important than the intellect. The key findings are the first time launched Castrol fan survey 2007. The investigation football spectators from Great Britain, Germany, Russia, Poland, Spain, Italy, Austria and Switzerland were surveyed on various aspects of fan culture.

how important football is for fans who supported the priority that they give him. 42 percent of fans surveyed say that football expertise gives them more prestige among friends and acquaintances. This is football in this Relationship even far more significant than one's own intelligence (30 percent), professional success (16 percent) or sexual abilities (12 percent).

Outstanding large German audience at the enthusiasm for the live experience in the stadium. 80 percent of the fans pilgrimages in the arenas, the European average is only 60 percent.

Large differences between the two audience segments football fans and people interested in emerging during the duration of media use. For fans not only does a match day 90, but a total of 144 minutes during off interested after an average 79 minutes or put the newspaper aside. Agreement among both groups of viewers in the assessment of key statistics and the desire for detailed information: At present, the table lists the most important source of information. In the future, measure the audience especially tactical real-time information is more important - both in Germany and European comparison.

A clear vote results at national and at international level in the search for the nation with the largest or the smallest soccer expertise. Britain takes the lead ahead of Italy and Germany. Cyprus marks the other end of the table.

Source: German Castrol Distributor mbH

Sunday, November 4, 2007

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News4Managers: Expenditure Investor Relations stable

budgets and fee revenues for investor relations remain largely unchanged this year. This is a result of the jointly Newswire , Faktenkontor , CAT Consultants and the Handelsblatt published IR trend monitor. The leading German business newspaper for the first time partner of the survey series. Total of 234 experts and leaders from the investor relations industry in the online survey attended.

Almost two-thirds of all respondents IR departments of companies expected for 2007, unchanged compared to the initial budget planning. say something optimistic to IR agencies on this issue: About 40 percent of the respondents here appreciate the development of fee revenues over the previous year as a constant. One in four IR department expects at least an increase in the budget for financial communications. On the other hand, nearly seven percent of employees expected in IR departments even with a reduction of financial resources compared to the original plan.

Other results of the IR-Trend monitor:

* The vast Majority of skilled workers for the IR industry believes that Non-financial data are already very important. One in four IR Agency believes that are not subject to mandatory disclosure issues in the future are of great relevance. IR departments are manifested in this area a little more restrained: Well, one in seven respondents believes that non financial data in the future will be very important.

* About two-thirds of IR departments reject strictly defined and consistent standards such as XBRL filings from and demand more flexibility. The IR departments to the new broadcasting standard a little more open: 37 percent state here that with the new standards expect a relief in financial communication.

* The results from the U.S. housing crisis, credit market crisis has barely noticeable effects on the German IR market. IR-IR departments and agencies reported a majority, have no major effort by the housing crisis in the U.S.. At least one in four respondents expected from very large companies (more than 5,000 employees) have a strong to very strong additional work.

* Creditor Relations in IR departments take up only a very small proportion of working time. At least one in two respondents is here that he deals with this topic to "almost 0 percent" in his work. IR agencies are tend to be more apart with Creditor Relations: Well, one in six agency employees spent 10 to 20 percent of his time communicating with lenders.

Source: news aktuell GmbH