Sunday, February 21, 2010

Amplifier Earthquake Of San Francisco

The first 100

The good weather will continue, at night it is freezing, but on the day the thermometer climbed slightly in the positive range. Good chance to shoot a first round longer. It is Sunday and I Küre Buckow the daily goal, which makes a total of 85km. The roads are snow and ice, but the trails are still covered with ice and apparently understand the drivers, because today I will not honked. In general, little is going on today in the street. At the roadside is neatly split and I hope that the Conti Contact, which I in winter because of the good adhesion, drive to hold out. In light tail wind and sunny periods I go through Hönow, and Altlandsberg Wesendahl to Strausberg. Here I have only time my cold feet back to life.
Continue through the village of Hohenstein and Boller, the pitcher mountain comes into view. Now comes the best part of the trail, the switchbacks in Stobbertal. In Buckow even at lunch hour is not much going on, the kiosk at the Lake has winter break and so my precaution battered thermos comes into its own. A few steps on the frozen Schermützelsee bring back warmth in my feet. For the next winter I must get warmer shoes, I'm going at the moment with normal cycling shoes and easy on shoes.
back I will take the R1, but the road to Garzin Liebenhof is not cleared and only the plastic strips in the center is free of ice. After a pathetic attempt to get through, I turn around. Suits me a racing cyclist, one of the few cyclists that I get to face today. He asks me about the road conditions and after brief reflection, he turns and goes a short way with me. I'm probably too slow and it he pulls them on the next hill. I must now take the same path back to Strausberg, unfortunately without wind protection that would have offered my planned return. Also, the route quite hilly and so slow I would rather go lie on the couch as a wheel. What the heck, I strengthen the Cafe Kunze Strausberg with coffee and pastries.
Then it's back on Radebrück and Altlandsberg. Finally, there are 95 km on the odometer and I am considering to be driven for 5km to vollzuhaben the first 100km. Since I barely have feeling in the feet, I let the bullshit.


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