Sunday, February 3, 2008

I Touch Chaos Black Cheats

Moveasy marked the move

[ Trigami Review ]
After I have recently already tested an online retailer of moving services, today I would like to again deal with a relocation site. is a new provider that specializes in an interesting niche. Moveasy ensures namely that it is easily and directly with a van at the entrance. But the company makes it easy to sign, but is also (if desired) the necessary administrative procedures to ensure the necessary papers to get together. This is an excellent idea, especially since it is not long enough to present at the intended destination of the paperwork to take care of itself and the necessary contacts still does not know - at parades in cities such as Berlin, Hamburg and Munich, the money is worth.

The signage is now in service for 52 German cities offer. Here, the price varies for the erection of signs between 49 € and 119 € in Hamburg in Heidelberg. In part, this response of the authorities is already included, sometimes, as in Hamburg or Dresden, he must be paid extra (49 € or 39 € in Hamburg, in Dresden).

So this is a very interesting offer. Especially for Berlin and other large cities, the extremely difficult Parking situation is an extremely valuable offer the relief because it might jeopardize the entire move, when we find no reasonable Ein-/Abladeplatz. In any case, it is much cheaper than a complete relocation service to be commissioned. So the guys from Moveasy a niche between Selbstumzieher and relocation experts have found.

also includes the offer of the operator but also other services. Including, for example, a free service offers various relocation must be obtained. In addition, the page gives more moving boxes at a low price and also has a provision of trucks for the move to offer.

So overall a good new service. Although the offer still deserves a slightly better web design, but even so it significantly simplifies the removal process for people who move to self-organize themselves better.

Average Country Boob Sizes

move chemical industry faces major challenges with relocation

see the CEOs of the chemicals industry in the coming years, a multitude of challenges coming to him. First, the oil-dependent industry from rising raw material and energy costs far more affected than other industries. Second, it is subject to a worldwide growing and increasingly complex government regulation. More than the managers of other industries are the chairmen of the chemical industry is concerned that the environmental protection legislation and the ever-changing could affect requirements for carbon dioxide reduction, the growth of their businesses sustainable.

This is the result, the industry analysis of the audit and consultancy firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), which was carried out as part of the study "11th Annual Global CEO Survey 2008th Chemicals Summary". The study was presented at the World Economic Forum in Davos presented. PwC surveyed 1,150 CEOs (Chief Executive Officer - CEO) from 50 countries, including 41 in the chemical industry.

skepticism also prevails in the short term

The top managers of chemical companies look even more skeptical of the relatively short period of next twelve months than their counterparts in most other industries. Only 39 percent of them say is "very confident" about the business during this period - across all industries around the world are there as much as 50 percent. This skepticism has deeper reasons: "The chemical industry experienced a number of developments much more closely than other industries," Volker boats, a partner at PwC in Germany explained responsible for the Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals. "The industry has to deal with the challenge of the increasingly expensive and scarce predicted crude oil and natural gas simultaneously its main raw materials. "A large part of the surveyed by PwC CEOs rising energy and thus raw material costs to be a significant risk - 83 percent of them see their future growth threatened seriously

impetus for growth from innovation

while. the average for all industries, only one third of the surveyed by PwC CEO worries or even worried about the impact of climate change on his company, expresses it in chemistry 59 percent. And with 54 percent also stated more than half of the CEOs stated that they already invest considerable sums to at Opportunities and risks of climate change - the global average for all industries there are only 38 percent. A quarter of CEOs (27 percent) of the industry is the ability to generate innovations to tackle climate change future revenue growth. In any case, are innovations for 42 percent of the CEOs of the major point of departure for future growth. Even in the short term: Almost a third (32 percent) believe that the development of new products for a key growth driver in the next twelve months.

Scarce staff expertise

But a number of other factors to make the CEOs of chemistry more concerned than their counterparts in other industries, such as on competition from low cost countries, over-regulation, the protection of their copyrights, recessionary trends in the major economies and the availability of qualified staff.

is precisely the question of employee counts for 95 percent of the respondents on the subject with the highest priority. And more than two thirds (68 percent) of the chemical makers are concerned that a lack of key skills, the business growth of the future could pose a serious threat.

Enhanced considers M & A activity in the chemical industry

Consequently it for almost half (49 percent) of surveyed CEOs for a meaningful strategy to take over other companies to come in this way to the required expertise. "Here we can already observe a clear trend in the market, "says Dr. Volker Fitzner, senior partner of the area advisory for Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals in Germany. "Many big players now specifically to small, technology-oriented companies to increase their own pace of innovation." Another key theme of the M & A activity is to develop new markets, in order to generate growth. For chemistry Asia is the primary: 69 percent of respondents plan to expand its M & A activity in this region in the coming year - an average of sectors it is only 37 percent. A second focus of the takeover plans North America is here to invest 55 percent of chemical companies - the average for all industries is 27 percent. The Middle East, 15 percent of chemical companies and 10 percent of companies in its sights.

over-regulation as a brake on growth

see as the growing risk of chemical chiefs over-regulation. That they threaten the future growth could, at least 61 percent of surveyed CEOs believe. Already, the chemical industry is one of the most regulated industries. The European Regulation for the collection, evaluation and authorization of chemicals (REACH), which is to ensure safety during transportation and manufacturing, has already caused significant cost increases. Likewise, the development of the UN Globally Harmonised System (GHS) for classification and labeling of chemicals. And in the U.S. Homeland Security shall submit to the additional burden on the chemical manufacturers - they have to protect their factories and transport chains against terrorism.

"As a counterweight to all the burdens of environmental protection, oil prices and government regulation remains the chemical companies, especially the permanent innovation not only their products but also all processes and procedures. And despite the competition in the industry, by new competitors exacerbated as in oil producing countries nor permanently, the CEOs try to satisfy as many areas - within the chemical industry, but also the downstream users - to work more closely together, " Dr. Volker Fitzner.

The PwC study "11th Annual Global CEO Survey. Chemicals Summary "can be obtained via the portal of PwC charged the following link: / de / chemicals-pharma

Source: PWC

Friday, January 18, 2008

Hama 46954. Can I Get New Software For It?


[ Trigami Review ]

move -Easy is a new online portal where you in the event of a move quick and easy to find help. I tested the portal and would like to communicate my experiences below.

The site itself I like very much. It is like having a single form that is quite easy and intuitive. Quick one has given his needs and in less than two minutes one has sent its request. The e-mail with a confirmation link also arrived promptly, so that the possible services to five minutes after my first impression since been informed. Just FYI: my request for a move from Magdeburg to Berlin includes (almost 170km) and includes only the transportation (ie, no furniture removal, etc.).

blaspheme The first response of a moving company not long in coming - even one minute after confirmation of the link I get a mail from a raised moving companies. First, I am surprised and pleased me that the whole process is so extremely fast. However, I am brought back quickly to earth, for it is simply a standard mail - You would need more information and I should not hesitate to fill the company's own form. So I had my whole course, not presented. The service will eventually combine my questions and take off my work - look out web pages and personalization query I could previously.

In the course of the next day I get two more service-mails. Again contains a message by simply asking the data on the company's website to enter. The second fact contains an offer. Loading, transport, unloading for a mere € 850. The price seems quite high at first glance, but of course I can judge him based on just one offer or not really. But if you think about it that's okay - a limit of 1000 € I had set myself for planning a move. Other offers have been made, unfortunately, not so that a simple comparison was not possible.

So I decided somewhat dissatisfied that portal to test a second time, this time with a different region of focus. I made a move from Stuttgart to Mannheim (roughly comparable to Magdeburg-Berlin). This time I filled out the optional detailed move list, hoping that would help a more precise specification. Folded again enter and confirm within a few minutes later and a few minutes I had the first request in the mailbox. But once again it was only a company that would like more information and arrange an appointment immediately. The second was in fact a concrete offer. € 99 per hour for personnel and 310 € Package for transport (+ VAT).. Now of course I do not know how long something will take - but based on my list and the experience of the company would be able to appreciate quiet little more closely - that is not entirely satisfactory. In five hours of work (perhaps loading and unloading takes three packers but also only one half an hour ...), we reach the 1000 € almost alone with the basic costs. But compared with the other answers, I'm quite glad, called a few hard facts to get. For it was followed by further invitations to personal events. The next day, finally took place a bid in a satisfactory fashion - a clear, meaningful, 1035 €.

Now what is my conclusion? As such, I must say I like the idea and the presentation of moving very well-Easy. Only I must say that I was less satisfied with the result. It should move -Easy of the registered service really require a specific offer to make (if it is based on estimates that's quite flexible). If simply no comparison is given because all providers respond completely differently and I deal with every service provider must actually own, I actually won anything. That would be an absolutely essential improvement. Only if this is tackled, I can recommend the service in good conscience. What we forget but should not be mentioned, are the other offerings of the website. Who does not equal a full relocation service is needed here also find piano transportation, storage, rental trucks to the painter - but this has not been tested by me.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

How To Wear A Bandana For Snowboarding Prperly

marketing for marketers

Just rolling on the floor and look:

via: PR 2.0

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Ponderosa Horse Tailer Reviews

difficult year for German mineral water over

In 2007, suffered most of the German mineral water sales decreases compared to 2006. According to Wednesday by the Association of German mineral water (VDM) published provisional figures, the decline in sales for the entire industry with mineral and medicinal waters and soft drinks based on mineral water just over one percent. This allowed the mineral water does not build on the good result of 2006. "The summer is down in 2007," said managing director VDM Wolfgang Stubbe. This had its impact on sales.

For mineral water and medicinal products, sales decreased by 1.5 percent. Continued to increase, however, sales of mineral waters with little or no carbon dioxide. The non-carbonated version increased by some 13 percent. In the classic, highly carbonated "fizz" is a sales decline of around six per cent reported. "With a per capita consumption of 130 liters is the natural mineral water is the most popular alcoholic beverage of the Germans," said Stubbe. It should be noted that the sales decline in total significantly more would be unusual, the discount sector had recorded no sales increase. Suppliers for the discount, however, are only a few mineral springs companies.

Sales of mineral water, soft drinks has changed only marginally over the previous year. The near-water and wellness drinks has registered a sales increase of 1.5 percent. "This demonstrates the great innovative power of the German mineral water and acceptability of these beverages by the consumer," continued Stubbe. Sales of the traditional soft drinks declined.

Despite significantly higher costs, price increases implemented or only few be. "There is pent-up demand," said Stubbe. The debate on the packaging - disposable or reusable - will shape the events of the industry.

Source: Association of German mineral water e. V.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Redness Around Impetigo

We love bread ... especially if it's black!

I know I'll give you many find useful and less useful statistics and trend information, a but at this point Recalling a recent study, at least by the numbers is her interest, as it really shed light on something everyday is what we always ask ourselves, but never get out - unless you press releases ;-)

The world's unique wide variety of breads is on the characteristic of Germany combination of wheat and rye in the recipe, the baker and the incomparable wide range of specialties. This is reflected even in the most popular breads of Germans, which were determined in a representative consumer survey commissioned by the CMA market research.

At the top of the current "bread-hit list" is at 28 percent of nominations, the group of whole-grain breads - as "black bread" is a typical German thing. The second place, respectively, and special multi-grain bread (24%), followed closely by the traditional Roggen-/Roggenmischbroten with 22%. Then there will be "brighter" when it comes to bread preference: select 15% "white bread" (including Mediterranean specialty breads and toast), each (r) Tenth may prefer the lighter (wheat) bread mixed variant.

Comparing the current figures for 2007 shows with previous surveys, two new trends: first, towards the "black" bread to whole grain that is or meal bread, and second to "white" bread, light say to the wheat bread or also to toast. Women and men make very little difference among the favorite varieties - with two exceptions: women tend more often to the robust Mehrkorn-/Spezialbroten men to the mildly aromatic Mixed wheat breads.

The pollsters also asked about the "why" of popularity. The most frequently cited reason for this preference is "his" favorite bread is, "taste it" or "is delicious" - constitute 85 percent so their choice of variety. For almost half beside a health dimension are relevant. "The characterization of consumers' vision may thus justified our motto for the daily bread consumption," says the nutrition scientist Dr. Heiko Zentgraf this result of the survey: "For bread health with taste."

Source: Association cereals, market and nutrition research