Thursday, August 25, 2005

Stainless Steel Shower Curtain Tensioned Cable

proud of politicians

I think, however: lock me up against the politicians scolding.

Poor Franz Muentefering (Photo: ). In any case, ascetic, rubs it on the Legitiamations tour. collapse. For a tiny moment

he earns as a politician more than malice, hatred, and often much worse, disinterest. He has to give way as a human being only to make visible the physical strain under which nearly all professional politicians stand.

Modernism promotes individuality and increases the stress . Any decision must take the individual himself, when deteriorating economic conditions, merge internal and external pressure. And accumulated in politicians. Because in Germany are just very close to the people.

I know I argue against the trend. But just as the Germans make out their political elites, I find exemplary. No caste system as it give birth to the Grandes Ecoles in France, not a closed society like in England. But the hard slog of the local chapter of the nomination on the candidate lists in the regional associations until the election itself

This type of legitimacy of the persons themselves may lead to boatsmen held make certain characters available for this insanity. But those who give it a better salary in the economy, the shorter working hours, they would have been as civil servants, can not for the mechanism.

you deserve our respect, as now, Franz Muentefering, our sympathy.

Monday, August 22, 2005

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all just a quickie?

Games Convention 2005 in Leipzig. Journalists who do not even have the moped-driving push to the Press Centre. Sovereign They use laptop wireless and the advantages of the press lounge.

PSP, Xbox 360, Game Load. In addition to the three mega-trends and the many fair Babes (Photo: Thomas H. Kaspar ) sneaks a development in my head: The loss of narrative structures.

Private television has taught us that even the most exciting action can be broken up by commercials. Zap while Nutella, napkins & Co. New information layer, reverse zap, zap back new layers, preview of the next film, back to the main movie. New technology audience.

critics of the gaming world on PC and consoles forgot about that important role is played great narratives, created in the swam of players in a fantasy novel. The big story was living in his head like a continuing story. Despite cultural purists: These are also large coherent stories.

interview with Jörg Trouvain , Germany boss of the world's largest game maker Electronic Arts . Okay, computer games do not have a bad image over how their study shows. Much more exciting: In order to reach new target groups, must convert the games. Many women and casual gamers are not ready to throw in turn-based battles. Briefly, mobility are required. Since

will change somewhat. Games Convention Gifts
= tap between fair-Chicks. =
private television films between advertising gigs.
Internet = Content chunks between mouse clicks.
New games =?

Welcome to the shortness of breath.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Some Interesting Facts About Cystic Fibrosis

interest - from the "betweenness" to link

makes probably no one more thought about how you can bring the right people together, as an online store.

Prof. Andreas Weigend Sciententist has served as chief for the Onine Store Amazon developed basic algorithms in order to link people with similar interests. The idea: What buyers what other buyers have purchased, which matches the topic of what others suggest, then increase the sale proceeds.

surprising: The computer often suggests better products than their own mother. Bare Computing disclosed because of log files that is what we really do and not what we represent ourselves.

Many speak of Brecht & man and buys only Brown & Mankell (By the way: The interview with the avowed hater Mankell Hen Hermanns is wonderful).

drawback: the culmination of our interests narrowed the view of the world. The on-screen cluster is getting smaller.

Anders, is beneficial because the recognition of Music plasma (Photo: If you are looking for an artist, which opened a network of assotiation. Wowwwww!

The interest is in the literal sense. In between are, have no preconceived ideas. Engage in one of the two poles. This also leads to sales success.

But it is an open system . Which, according to Sir Carl Popper long just human and therefore more successful.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

In Braces For 7 Years

point victory for trifles

"percentage point" will probably be the word of the election year.

It is a symbol of the transfer of content to personal attacks, so to trifles.

We are witnessing the de-politicization of politics. Without taking sides: The Kampa is a fast choice fighting force in the SPD. With cheeky slogans understand the spin doctors of the Social Democrats to divert attention from substantive issues and to respond to the challenger kleien error. This is done intellectually pretty. Overall policy, it is devastating if transform Weblogs polemics and transport.

The pace of the Internet, the rapid release of the contents of the good gags lose even more important because the point is given much space.

There goes the thread is quickly lost without my campaign so that the total that has the initiated "Project Head online campaign" of the SPD, Sebastian Reichel, . It is rather the common thread between politics and society. The basic acceptance of core values. This thread is well cut. This is not funny.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

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light, darkness, torch, sword

write largely unnoticed by literary critics and other public. And reach as powerful runs. Christian writers, such as Rick Joyner or Frank E. Peretti .

all books in common: the struggle of Christendom against the demons. And: The ultimate truth is speeds allowed by God, who sent his son to salvation. Everything else is wrong.

A arose read subculture. The authors provide readers with tools for the final battle against the evil in the world. Typical: metaphors such as sword and a torch run through many books that show the path of "Light in the Darkness" (such a successful novel by Frank E. Paeretti). Publishers like "Gerth Media offer the complete Leserepertore for a bookcase of" devotion "to" revival "and" Promise Land "to" Willow Creek ".

blurbs read often as to the Joyner Book "The Torch and the Sword" (Photo:

"This book is the continuation of the prophetic message in the best-seller" and began with the sequel "The last departure The call" continued was. With new urgency gives us Rick Joyner share of heavenly visions and encounters that God has given him for the whole church of Christ.

This book is an ardent call to all Christians to take the greatest adventure of all time and the to prescribe the highest goal that it has ever been. It is for those who want to hold out as a true warrior of the cross and its position against the power of darkness to say in our day.

The message is aimed at people who are willing to take the torch and the sword in the hand with courage and perseverance for truth and justice of God and thus enter into ambassadors of the future world to be. "

I myself am a Christian. I have found my way through the Bible. Even my sons have consciously biblical names. But this course can go along and I will not.

Enlightenment means to break dogmas. It does not therefore relativism. But in the followed Kant, we have also discovered what mystics have always know. Once you break through the clouds to the sun, we see that there are many paths to the Sun There. For real "All-Unity" created tolerance.

who is still in the clouds, is perhaps even more intolerant, although he preaches love and faith.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

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Model equality

peers decide. Not the parents. What we think, as we discuss what we find important.
This shows the twin research. Shiny tells it brilliantly summarized Malcolm Gladwell in his bestseller "Tipping Point" . It is retold in the current issue of Compact Psychology Today (No. 12: "Family life)

. The most exciting reads it from the author herself, the psychologist Judith Rich Harris (Photo: ) is coming to her mind and provides them with barbed bristles.

plugged in my head its "zero hypotesis of zero parental influence". Parental education has no influence on a child's intelligence or personality. Washed.

As it cuts too obvious in their logic relationships. For example, parents who read to their children early will provide children with a large vocabulary. Many would derive a moral argument. Cuts: Read to your children before, then they go to Harvard. But comparing siblings, one of which was adopted, the apparent correlation disappears.

Harris: "It does not make a dime's worth of difference Whether the kid grew up listening to Mozart or muzak.

Much more important: the peers. Peers. Therefore, immigrant children speak without an accent. Because they learn from peers.

And now? Silence at Harris. Her research only, no instructions. That's not much. will

the way I would not go. If education bears fruit not know how then change the world? And who influences affect the peers, the other peers?

end it is quite simple: young people look for role models to form their own personality. If everyone is aware that he is acting as a role model, he changed the world. Though perhaps not their own children to the extent that he believed in his madness.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

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Molwanien, my love! Oh, I could always walk on your streets that wind like tape through the center of Lutenblag. Here I find, nor the lock unit in the world.

Defoe Robinson sent to the island, Goethe Iphigenia in Tauris, Novalis Heinrich to the blue flower in the Magic Forest. The escape from reality they were! Sensible wrote this, who could face the destruction of the world only to escape into romantic forest niches contrary.

It returns a guide to wholeness! Molwanien is round. No corners with walls in between, you could fit in the window of reality.

why so few find even in the land of the damaged smile. Because they listen to romantic poet and follow these same Guru-adept, instead of themselves to make the search. Molwanien is just around the corner.

You need only look it.

"Here I want dead
Über'm fence hang "
(Molwanisches motto)

Monday, August 8, 2005

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longing for another life!

Oh how much I touched this little e-mail, disguised as a spam in my field waiting:

a fine opportunity get the extra revenue!
The international tourist company invites the cooperation of
an energetic people.
you want to earn thousands of euros in the week?
With us, it is possible! transient
There is no need to make the buy, or for the participation of
This is real vacancy.
Connect with us and we will help you to be their life to another.

Yours Grusen, Family Travels Inc.

The world is not so complicated! Everything is judged! Everything is clear!
It is only this one more revenue, which we should direct our existence. Unfortunately, it is only a small select group "of energetic people" open. And only the.

Toll: The secret order hidden a note - "transient". Many may overlook the magic word that sleeps there and now the Sing song in us can be: Are we not all travelers, even fleeting appearances? One must only translate the words to penetrate to the meaning.

hardener in the middle of the quest for meaning in life comes but then: "This is real vacancy. Yes, it appears, the empty space that we call life. Gaukelbild reality.

The goal is clear: "Join with us and we will help you to be her life to others." The real epiphany! I join all our Reinkarnatiuonsstufen reincarnation with all levels of the other Dus. Wow, so simple it can be. Verbiage of ecstasy. Just like that.

Thanks Private Travels.

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What remains after death?

Is God dead? When Nietzsche launched the modern era, then imprinted advertising the lifestyle of the "experience society" (Gerhard Schulze, 2000) : We want the advertising promises are real. We search for the beautiful experience to einzukratzen notice anything in our reality. This is the only small target.

Stupid: When we reflect on the meta level, we will have broken the experience. So we think best not so much about the separation of truth and promise between indicative and subjunctive.

In this sense, the 24-year-old Tommy only logical: it offers via Ebay, his body as an advertising medium for photos at the funeral. "I really wanted to be unique," he says. As melts a lot: death without God, but with advertising. So far no one has offered ...

Thursday, August 4, 2005

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"people's" opinions

Who should be trusted when it comes to product placement yet? That Schimmi awake in his anti-crime scenes with Red Bull has heard for years to teaching materials for product placement.

There are still Insititutionen who pay for it themselves , That they can provide estimates irrespectively. Such as McKinsey & Company. Just who created the film production, a community of interest advice , how to get more money out of television productions. The Pink Ante: The study was conducted on 14 Published in October 2004, long before the current dispute ran high.

McKinsey sees great potential:

"In the traditional television sector, there are possibilities to increase cooperation with advertisers - from the development of programs to advertisers themselves to marketing partnerships (multiple) advertisers, their agencies, broadcasters and producers. "

Doof. In Germany, since a law against it. But that surely can not stop the economy, right? you need to understand the sentence immediately He is down to pray in abewandelter form in the study again and again.

"First should be in the Broadcasting Act laid down restrictions on product advertising in television productions largely eliminated, because they often prevent creative concepts that are necessary to television advertising in the broadest sense to make it attractive, and that for viewers and for advertisers. "

And because the so difficult, suggests McKinsey, a mixed model of "creative ways" before that early on tying in the advertising industry:

"Joint development of content for / with advertisers: This model is ideal for producers, because the integration can be planned in advance and the value proposition of the producer for the affiliate can be clearly agreed While in Germany limited the scope of the prohibition of surreptitious advertising law,... changes would be desirable Yet there are creative ways to increase cooperation, for example could be prominent, to the production company bound Faces market comprehensive by about an actor of a popular production in a switched simultaneously endorsement advertising for a partner shows up. In addition, the industry partners to equip the production and for their own Event-advertising, mailings, etc. use "

Oh, and something is annoying. The Germans are always so stupid underclass Television And this is so totally on the. target group (the advertiser) by:

"Today, more inclined Luxusmarkenals mass manufacturer to product placement - a segment that is easy to more difficult perhaps for German films. One producer describes this fact fits with an example: "Daniel Brühl in 'Goodbye Lenin' not just BMW 7 Series could have gone."

Conclusion: There has been a beautiful film 20 such study, and instead of all together help to change this annoying situation right, but roll the smooth Verbaucherschützer case to case.

really awkward: McKinsey would have the results as "popular opinion" to put in the picture. Then now a huge majority would ensure that the creative potential is ausgeshöpft.

Wednesday, August 3, 2005

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research and your Transformation. Also, the extremely clever Prof. Wolfgang Donsbach of the TU Dresden had examined the TV debate in 2002 and aptly presented the schedule right now results.
Some quotes:.. Was not

* "A clear winner of the first TV duel detectable
* At least one in three respondents (35 percent) changed a few days after the duel his views to a duel winner benefited from these changes Chancellor Schröder stronger than his challenger.
* as contributory factors to the change of the perceived winner that emerged were the perceived media coverage of the televised debate and the frequency of use of TV news out.

Anders said. The media make up your mind yourself Luckily there are clever companion among the journalists, such as the FTD shows today in an apt summary of the results:

"media reports more important than television duel
For TV-duels of top candidates subsequent reporting has, according to a study by a far greater influence on the outcome of an election as the battle of words themselves. This is the result a joint research project by the Allensbach Institute and the Universities of Dresden and Mainz, which was unveiled in Berlin. "

All this would be so boring if it would not turn the meta-level of meta-level, in this case from the pen of Ludwig Greven who balk at the idea that perspiration-Angie would make mistakes. He particularly praised her decision to make only one televised debate.

My favorite vulgarity (it is the fourth of five) is this:

. "Enjoys As a woman and Ossi Merkel double disability bonus, which makes them virtually invincible, unlike his opponent Edi" Uh, "Stoiber can" Acker Schröder they attack not as hard as nails or lay hidden fouls again cross, as he has practiced since his youth. The majority of female voters and the justice of fanatics in the former GDR would penalize the choice with the black and dark yellow or red card. Schroeder remains therefore only the two-edged weapon of arrogance ("Oh, dear Madame Merkel, I have to tell you the time ..."), which can easily be directed against himself. "

If the task that the journalists in the post-modern game does not get tangled with itself and thus offer little guidance for those to whom money is the game seriously - the readers and viewers.

If we lost the great stories already, should the Micro-stories-teller not to play with real people as they are just figures.

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battle for voters resigned

There are many theories as the Germans have become apolitical. Pradoxes phenomenon are the Fernesehduelle. After all, in the year 2002 15 million German, a quarter of voters considered twice with how and what to Schroeder and Stoiber said.
No interest is different.

Markus Klein demonstrate in the latest issue of the Journal of Sociology that the TV debate has influenced two things: It has mobilized to go at all, vote and has the sympathy can be tilted for Schroeder.

differentiated content show Oskar W. Gabriel and Kerstin Völkl your study at what point was the small TV debate effects:

"While the economic situation since the fall of 2001 was already on the political agenda, foreign policy became the first choice in the month a prominent position in the estimation of the voters. The reason for this unusually large significance of a foreign policy issue was the debate on the threat of military intervention the United States in Iraq, Chancellor Schröder in the second television debate with his challenger Stoiber played strongly to the fore. "

This is precisely the point. Schröder instinctively grow an unexpected small issue size. And: It is a subject that people ever see through yet, because in fact get the remote from most of the policy, because they expect any of the parties is an alternative

Positive said:.. The voters will see the policy for what it is complex with many constraints and external negative said:.. creates no politician there is more to work out the great line behind the small numbers.

So meet the escalation of the voting decision to the TV duel all my fears. Here is a pseudo-profiling is done, which is only decided by two factors. First, by outward appearances such as appearance and rhetoric. And secondly, by working in skillful Campa emotionalizing big issues.

Back to Alichimistischen Management . Why managers develop the image of man, which we need for crisis management and political science? Sometimes it works, would be as Companies account for more thoughts on crisis management than politics. Because management is only made in human resources, ie the right personnel for the task.

Tuesday, August 2, 2005

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critique of impure advertising

We are so criticism. Against media. Social studies teachers, the media education seminars attended tried to contact us.

old role models. Heribert Riehl-Heyse-selling books on
Ordered truths . Sold. Prepared Highlights in the dark threat of ethics in journalism, as it really was not in danger. Barschel bathtub photos. Land councils, the discreet undezente gold coins Journalists could slide into pockets. The media world is still branded in order to easily degenerate. Exceptions are exceptions.

today. Paradigm shift. Riehl-Heyse with no relevant search engine results for searches for "ethics" + "violations" + "media" will be found. Media from
Article 5 of the Basic Law hiked to the commercial law. Journalism as a cost.

expectable assessment. The District Court of Berlin on the action of the Federation of Consumer Organizations through the online representations of the "people's" campaigns of investigated. And prohibited. The verdict is not particularly illuminating. Oh, that is as surreptitious advertising, just because a product is made palatable with the entire boulevard of instruments. Of course.

unexpected defense. The image's lawyers argue just the reality.
"The company had argued in the proceedings, particularly younger Internet users went from a general advertising nature of the Internet, a clear distinction between advertising and editorial content is therefore not necessary. "
is probably the longest going on in the heads. These are the new "ordered Truths. "Fortunately, right slower than economic change.

Kant continued to write. Rational use. Light beam in the direction.

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