Wednesday, August 3, 2005

Pierced Ears Closing Pregnant

disability policy with bonus

research and your Transformation. Also, the extremely clever Prof. Wolfgang Donsbach of the TU Dresden had examined the TV debate in 2002 and aptly presented the schedule right now results.
Some quotes:.. Was not

* "A clear winner of the first TV duel detectable
* At least one in three respondents (35 percent) changed a few days after the duel his views to a duel winner benefited from these changes Chancellor Schröder stronger than his challenger.
* as contributory factors to the change of the perceived winner that emerged were the perceived media coverage of the televised debate and the frequency of use of TV news out.

Anders said. The media make up your mind yourself Luckily there are clever companion among the journalists, such as the FTD shows today in an apt summary of the results:

"media reports more important than television duel
For TV-duels of top candidates subsequent reporting has, according to a study by a far greater influence on the outcome of an election as the battle of words themselves. This is the result a joint research project by the Allensbach Institute and the Universities of Dresden and Mainz, which was unveiled in Berlin. "

All this would be so boring if it would not turn the meta-level of meta-level, in this case from the pen of Ludwig Greven who balk at the idea that perspiration-Angie would make mistakes. He particularly praised her decision to make only one televised debate.

My favorite vulgarity (it is the fourth of five) is this:

. "Enjoys As a woman and Ossi Merkel double disability bonus, which makes them virtually invincible, unlike his opponent Edi" Uh, "Stoiber can" Acker Schröder they attack not as hard as nails or lay hidden fouls again cross, as he has practiced since his youth. The majority of female voters and the justice of fanatics in the former GDR would penalize the choice with the black and dark yellow or red card. Schroeder remains therefore only the two-edged weapon of arrogance ("Oh, dear Madame Merkel, I have to tell you the time ..."), which can easily be directed against himself. "

If the task that the journalists in the post-modern game does not get tangled with itself and thus offer little guidance for those to whom money is the game seriously - the readers and viewers.

If we lost the great stories already, should the Micro-stories-teller not to play with real people as they are just figures.


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