Thursday, December 27, 2007

How Much Does Treatment For Bone Cancer Cost

Germany's research landscape in demand in the economy

63 percent of the companies to focus their research activities continue in Germany - only 5 percent are considering moving abroad - Schlüter: "The research in Germany holds its own in global competition."

The vast majority of German companies is not considering shifting their research and development (R & D) to foreign countries. Sixty-three percent of companies hold a representative survey of the Donors' Association for German Science Research in Germany, according to the faith. Only five percent of the 1000 respondents want to move research projects and laboratories increasingly abroad.

depends on the commitment to innovation in Germany by company size. While 54 percent of companies with fewer than 10 million euros of R & D activities continue to want to concentrate in the Federal Republic, there are at companies with more than 2,000 employees, 73 percent. "The research in Germany holds its own in global competition. The technology-oriented companies hold the vast majority country in the faith", says Andreas Schlüter, Secretary General of the Donors' Association, "are apparently the company for research and . Development projects in Germany, good conditions in front of "The plus points of the site included universities, which are becoming increasingly open to cooperation with companies and knowledge sharing - joint research projects to the patent value -. Understood as equal role in addition to basic research and teaching, Schlüter A large-scale study of the Donors' Association ("innovation factor cooperation") was shown in May this year that received higher education institutions and businesses strengthened strategic partnerships.

Eleven percent of large companies indicate, however, to try to shift part of the research activities abroad, the average of all surveyed Companies there are only five percent. "Not to worry," says Andreas Schlüter. Because Germany was becoming increasingly attractive to foreign companies and put on additional investment in research. About a quarter of the R & D activities of the economy in Germany in 2005 it accounted for foreign companies in 1995 were there only 16 percent. Besides the attraction of the country itself but also to deceive corporate acquisitions globally active business groups in so Schlüter. Overall, the globalization of industrial research in Germany there is balance: German group sat around in their foreign subsidiaries for R & D as much one, and foreign business groups in Germany.

Those companies that want to relocate their research activities in the future more abroad, justification for this in the first place with better conditions (48 percent). For 33 percent of this step is close to international markets justified, while 27 percent of the state abroad of seats of the company or corporate headquarters. The polling institute Forsa had asked on behalf of the Donors' Association in November 2007, the management level of more than 1,000 companies.

Source: Donors' Association for German Science

Friday, December 21, 2007

Concrete Bathtub Cost

your blog is already UFO? (? Or elephants)

Maybe you have already read: The Japanese are preparing just as first attacks by aliens, then write the unanimous ZDF, N24 , Focus , Yahoo and the Süddeutsche .

I the Japanese are technically very much confidence, I guess now, of course, that they have a few more background information about the actual threat. I myself can only assess the actual danger, unfortunately, insufficient and therefore rely on colleagues from Japan. As a result, I decided my blog also make some UFO-safe. From now on land all the negative comments or opinions to be insulting aliens automatically included in the presentation loop, plus I use the newly created folder "SPAM" (security procedure for aliens hostile material). In addition, trackbacks and links from other blogs that just such a material can be tracked and included in a central file for 3 million light-years saved by early identification of the alien invaders to make available. The third measure, I will review any future content on SEO (Stellar and Extra Terrestrial Optimization) and correct if necessary (call it censorship, but ...). I am already registered a community college course on language and culture of alien life forms and would like a greeting appropriate outfit for Christmas is mentioned only in passing. The procedure is agreed, moreover, with the Home Office and is explicitly approved.

In this sense, I would like to thank all our readers for my friends in 2007, dedicated attention and thank you all a merry and peaceful Christmas and a happy successful in a 2008th

beat your Nils King

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Make Up Prosthetics Uni

Petrol Price Update December II

which direction the fuel prices a? What they were four, six or eight weeks? What factors play a role in increasing the cost or a price reduction? Answers provides the current fuel price graph of the ADAC today.

Source: ADAC

Ps3 Headset As Headphones

Aral study "Trends in car sales 2007"

women make when car buying family-friendly than men in the foreground and decide for the matching body shape? No way! Emancipate women were also at the dealership and some have a role reversal occurred at express speed: in just two years, the female sex, the views and preferences changed sometimes radically. The Aral for the third time launched study "Trends in car sales" shows that women and men when purchasing a new car with 25 and 27 percent think now almost at eye level on the theme of family-friendly and make it an important purchase criterion. Two years ago, viewed 30 percent more women than men in this aspect. When asked about the preferred body shape shows the female sex of a recent domain, the cold shoulder Only six percent of them consider the purchase of a mini-vans. Two years ago the figure was nine percent. Directly opposite have set developed in this segment, the preferences of men: In case you are interested in the tripled in a mini-van from four to eleven percent, almost.

The decline in interest in mini-vans for women is the classic combination of good, for the would decide in each case about a quarter of both sexes. In other vehicle segments, the differences between the sexes almost set in stone and could hardly be greater: Nearly a quarter of women would opt for a downtown suitable small cars. For the men this inexpensive form of individual mobility is practically not an option. Only five percent are considering the purchase of a city runabout ever considered. Also in convertibles, the interest of Women's considerably larger than that of the men interviewed. The other hand, hold the traditional sedan with a share of 42 percent loyalty.

women demonstrated not only in the choice of body style more courage to change. Also in support for a brand compared to the 2005 women were also launched by Aral study, a marked change in behavior. Audi posted the largest jump: for the Ingolstadt-inspired now more women than men - quadrupled in women, the proportion of three to eleven percent, almost. A similar rapid development Opel recorded in the women with a whopping increase from four to ten percent. BMW and Mercedes find, however little access to women: they bob up with a share of four percent in the lower middle of the scale. The two German luxury brands can rely on for their loyal male customers who want to buy ten or eleven percent at BMW or Mercedes. But even with the brand choices exist for women and men have a common denominator: Volkswagen recorded both in women than in men and is significant growth in both sexes (women 18 percent men 21 percent) tops the wish list.

Source: Aral

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

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then fight Germany, the winter fatigue

Outside it's cold, dark and uncomfortable. That suggests many people in this time of year you down. bewappnet But with blanket and hot drink, a good Schmöker at hand, can withstand the winter for 51 percent of the population well. With 64 percent, however, significantly more women sit on the cozy sofa than men (38 percent). This is the result of a representative survey by the Forsa polling institute, which surveyed on behalf of HappyDigits about 3,000 people according to their "recipe" of the winter weariness and fatigue.

meet approximately 41 percent of the addressee with friends, to the winter frustration prevent them from emerging. Sports are almost as popular as a pick. Overall, 40 percent of Germans, 43 percent each men and 37 percent of women swear by movement. Every tenth pulls it to warmer climes. 11 percent of men and women take a break from winter weather and travel to the sun. In contrast, only three percent of respondents access to herbal remedies such as St. John's wort.

According HappyDigits survey make dark, cold and rainy weather did not mind one fifth. At least 23 percent of men and 15 percent of women can be distinguished from the gray spoil the mood of the season neither suffer nor they fatigue.

Source: Happydigits

Monday, December 17, 2007

Swollen Lymph Nodes Menstruation

More and more families in their homes

home ownership becomes a reality for more and more young families. During 1978, 50 percent, exactly half of all 35 - to 39-year-old living working couples with children in their own homes, the home ownership rate stands at 68 percent in 2003 almost twenty percentage points higher. This results in a special analysis of the research institute Empirica on the basis of income and Expenditure Survey (EVS) of the Federal Statistical Office on behalf of the Home Loan Division (LBS).

Total , the percentage of households with home ownership throughout the ages in his mid-thirties of the last 25 years remain unchanged at 45 percent. However, this has to do, according to the LBS real estate experts to do with that home ownership had declined for other types of households. On the contrary: even at the Dink (double income, no kids), so those couples who have two incomes, but no children, the home ownership rate increased within 25 years by 10 percent to 49 percent. To the same value in 2003, the group of workers comes as a whole, ie including the unmarried. acts

According to the LBS Research extremely positive development for the families why not also to the value for the entire generation, mainly because the proportion of singles has increased over the same period to nearly half. Lived in 1978 young people aged 35 to 39 years even as 85 percent as a couple, there are 2003 just 52 percent. Another essential point that indicates the LBS experts in this context is the fact that today more young people (still) are not working as before.

This is confirmed by the analysis of the income structure of today's singles compared to 1978th Thus, the situation of young households - and thus the potential purchasers of residential property - relatively the income growth of households in the last 25 years worsened. The incomes of households in the 35 - to 39-year-olds, according to analysis declined in real terms by 4 percent. They remained, up 17 percentage points behind the development of the average household. Situation is completely different, according to LBS Research in contrast to married couples and those with children. Here, household incomes are the 35 - to 39-year-olds in the last 25 years by 2 percentage points more than the average increased.

The analysis confirms once again the strong desire for home ownership in the renewable young generations. No wonder, the LBS experts, because they have finally mainly as children experience the value of living in your home. Important, however, are offers, which also fit the property to the housing needs of singles and their "purse".

Source: LBS

Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Steam Shower Store

The secret of the Asian Tiger

Strong economic growth in China and other Asian countries unsettled many Germans. Only one in two believes that Germany has increased the competition, according to a representative survey on behalf of the Federal Association of German Banks.

Asked about the reasons for the economic success many Asian countries, most prominently, low wages of the employees. 53% of respondents see this as the main reason (see chart). 25% keep hard work and mentality of the people who live and work, 12% low social standards as a cause for success. As the largest economic competition provides the majority of Germans now China, by far followed by USA and Japan.

Source: Federal Association of German Banks has

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

What Does The Blue Shagband Mean

Employees 2.0

An interesting discussion initiated by Leila Summa Cablecom - how have the demands on staff with the development of the Internet and Web 2.0 changed? Important cornerstone here are the conversion of tangible to intangible values and the need for increased network activity and flexibility. There
The entire study and presentation on it Leila Summa blog.

PR Blogger

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Sore Arms Snowboarding

The customer decides - Study on dynamic Prices in restaurants

A very interesting study has found that exempt innkeepers to their guests to pay what they want, a similar generate income, such as restaurants with fixed price policy.

I think the concept in principle for sustainable, think, however, that there will be less effective with increasing acceptance and implementation for innkeepers. If there are many restaurants to choose the dynamic or customer-defined pricing model to use, the customer loses even the reference point for determining the amount due. In addition, a mental pressure on prices (competition) will arise if the choice increases such opportunities. Here the future will show whether such models can enforce a larger scale.



Hospitality Gedankensplitter

Sunday, December 2, 2007

What Is A Normal Sized Labia

Petrol Price Update December

Source: ADAC

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Sakura Haruno Big Butt

Every second donates € 110 and more

end up in almost every mailbox currently advertising letters of donor agencies, Advent is high season. Asking for donations worth in Germany: Almost every second German has this year donated an average of 110 € or will this be done. Most donors (73 percent) give as much as last year, one in ten will reduce its contributions, however. Half of German donate anything this year (53 percent). This is the result of a representative survey of auditing and consultancy firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), conducted last week by market research institute TNS Emnid was. A survey of 1,000 Germans over 14 years.

Generation 50 plus state with an average of 134 euros on the most generous

While the respondents from the former East Germany to donate an average of 70 €, it is the citizens from the former West Germany 118 Euro. Significant differences are also reflected in the age groups: the younger people between 14 and 29 will donate a quarter of respondents. Those who donate in this age group, bring it by his own admission per head on an average amount of 63 €. The generation 50 plus in his own words at the most generous and, with an average of 134 euros more than double available.

social and charitable purposes, and children are top priority

"donations to charitable and social purposes are on the list of the donors clearly in the first place, closely followed by funds for children and young people" said Dieter Horst, donations expert in Sustainable Business Solutions at PwC. 41 percent of respondents in 2007 to donate money for charity and social affairs, 33 percent said, however, mainly for projects or organizations to donate to children and young people supported. The proportion of women who donate for children and young people is clearly higher (39 percent) than that of men (27 percent). The East Germans are more likely to donate money for the needs of children and adolescents as a West German (38 vs. 32 percent).

environmental and animal protection mainly from young donors supported

When it comes to environmental and animal protection data show a marked difference from between the generations: While 17 percent of young people between 14 and 29 indicating environmental and animal welfare to donate, they are in the oldest group of respondents 60 plus just five percent, only one in twenty. Different importance is attached to the issue of environmental and animal welfare obviously in West and East: Twelve percent of respondents in Western states and institutions supported projects with financial donations, while in the East, only six percent donate this money.

sports, education, art and culture are the losers

"The realization that the public sector in recent years, their financial support for ¬ le sport reduced education, art and culture is, and therefore have to make businesses and private donors here more, the Germans arrived yet evident, "says Dieter Horst. the only way to let the little importance of sports, education, art and culture declare donations on . only two or one percent of respondents would donate on the merits of these issues -. despite Pisa-talk and the importance of grassroots sport is remarkable that to donate to the east, the willingness of Sport and Education to four percent of respondents higher than in the West (1 percent). But the small donations for local and regional institutions and projects (6 percent of respondents) or to political organizations (3 percent) instructions are that Ideeund importance of civic engagement is not sufficient giving behavior of the Germans penetrated.

source PricewaterhouseCoopers