Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Ps3 Headset As Headphones

Aral study "Trends in car sales 2007"

women make when car buying family-friendly than men in the foreground and decide for the matching body shape? No way! Emancipate women were also at the dealership and some have a role reversal occurred at express speed: in just two years, the female sex, the views and preferences changed sometimes radically. The Aral for the third time launched study "Trends in car sales" shows that women and men when purchasing a new car with 25 and 27 percent think now almost at eye level on the theme of family-friendly and make it an important purchase criterion. Two years ago, viewed 30 percent more women than men in this aspect. When asked about the preferred body shape shows the female sex of a recent domain, the cold shoulder Only six percent of them consider the purchase of a mini-vans. Two years ago the figure was nine percent. Directly opposite have set developed in this segment, the preferences of men: In case you are interested in the tripled in a mini-van from four to eleven percent, almost.

The decline in interest in mini-vans for women is the classic combination of good, for the would decide in each case about a quarter of both sexes. In other vehicle segments, the differences between the sexes almost set in stone and could hardly be greater: Nearly a quarter of women would opt for a downtown suitable small cars. For the men this inexpensive form of individual mobility is practically not an option. Only five percent are considering the purchase of a city runabout ever considered. Also in convertibles, the interest of Women's considerably larger than that of the men interviewed. The other hand, hold the traditional sedan with a share of 42 percent loyalty.

women demonstrated not only in the choice of body style more courage to change. Also in support for a brand compared to the 2005 women were also launched by Aral study, a marked change in behavior. Audi posted the largest jump: for the Ingolstadt-inspired now more women than men - quadrupled in women, the proportion of three to eleven percent, almost. A similar rapid development Opel recorded in the women with a whopping increase from four to ten percent. BMW and Mercedes find, however little access to women: they bob up with a share of four percent in the lower middle of the scale. The two German luxury brands can rely on for their loyal male customers who want to buy ten or eleven percent at BMW or Mercedes. But even with the brand choices exist for women and men have a common denominator: Volkswagen recorded both in women than in men and is significant growth in both sexes (women 18 percent men 21 percent) tops the wish list.

Source: Aral


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