Monday, December 17, 2007

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More and more families in their homes

home ownership becomes a reality for more and more young families. During 1978, 50 percent, exactly half of all 35 - to 39-year-old living working couples with children in their own homes, the home ownership rate stands at 68 percent in 2003 almost twenty percentage points higher. This results in a special analysis of the research institute Empirica on the basis of income and Expenditure Survey (EVS) of the Federal Statistical Office on behalf of the Home Loan Division (LBS).

Total , the percentage of households with home ownership throughout the ages in his mid-thirties of the last 25 years remain unchanged at 45 percent. However, this has to do, according to the LBS real estate experts to do with that home ownership had declined for other types of households. On the contrary: even at the Dink (double income, no kids), so those couples who have two incomes, but no children, the home ownership rate increased within 25 years by 10 percent to 49 percent. To the same value in 2003, the group of workers comes as a whole, ie including the unmarried. acts

According to the LBS Research extremely positive development for the families why not also to the value for the entire generation, mainly because the proportion of singles has increased over the same period to nearly half. Lived in 1978 young people aged 35 to 39 years even as 85 percent as a couple, there are 2003 just 52 percent. Another essential point that indicates the LBS experts in this context is the fact that today more young people (still) are not working as before.

This is confirmed by the analysis of the income structure of today's singles compared to 1978th Thus, the situation of young households - and thus the potential purchasers of residential property - relatively the income growth of households in the last 25 years worsened. The incomes of households in the 35 - to 39-year-olds, according to analysis declined in real terms by 4 percent. They remained, up 17 percentage points behind the development of the average household. Situation is completely different, according to LBS Research in contrast to married couples and those with children. Here, household incomes are the 35 - to 39-year-olds in the last 25 years by 2 percentage points more than the average increased.

The analysis confirms once again the strong desire for home ownership in the renewable young generations. No wonder, the LBS experts, because they have finally mainly as children experience the value of living in your home. Important, however, are offers, which also fit the property to the housing needs of singles and their "purse".

Source: LBS


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