Saturday, December 1, 2007

Sakura Haruno Big Butt

Every second donates € 110 and more

end up in almost every mailbox currently advertising letters of donor agencies, Advent is high season. Asking for donations worth in Germany: Almost every second German has this year donated an average of 110 € or will this be done. Most donors (73 percent) give as much as last year, one in ten will reduce its contributions, however. Half of German donate anything this year (53 percent). This is the result of a representative survey of auditing and consultancy firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), conducted last week by market research institute TNS Emnid was. A survey of 1,000 Germans over 14 years.

Generation 50 plus state with an average of 134 euros on the most generous

While the respondents from the former East Germany to donate an average of 70 €, it is the citizens from the former West Germany 118 Euro. Significant differences are also reflected in the age groups: the younger people between 14 and 29 will donate a quarter of respondents. Those who donate in this age group, bring it by his own admission per head on an average amount of 63 €. The generation 50 plus in his own words at the most generous and, with an average of 134 euros more than double available.

social and charitable purposes, and children are top priority

"donations to charitable and social purposes are on the list of the donors clearly in the first place, closely followed by funds for children and young people" said Dieter Horst, donations expert in Sustainable Business Solutions at PwC. 41 percent of respondents in 2007 to donate money for charity and social affairs, 33 percent said, however, mainly for projects or organizations to donate to children and young people supported. The proportion of women who donate for children and young people is clearly higher (39 percent) than that of men (27 percent). The East Germans are more likely to donate money for the needs of children and adolescents as a West German (38 vs. 32 percent).

environmental and animal protection mainly from young donors supported

When it comes to environmental and animal protection data show a marked difference from between the generations: While 17 percent of young people between 14 and 29 indicating environmental and animal welfare to donate, they are in the oldest group of respondents 60 plus just five percent, only one in twenty. Different importance is attached to the issue of environmental and animal welfare obviously in West and East: Twelve percent of respondents in Western states and institutions supported projects with financial donations, while in the East, only six percent donate this money.

sports, education, art and culture are the losers

"The realization that the public sector in recent years, their financial support for ¬ le sport reduced education, art and culture is, and therefore have to make businesses and private donors here more, the Germans arrived yet evident, "says Dieter Horst. the only way to let the little importance of sports, education, art and culture declare donations on . only two or one percent of respondents would donate on the merits of these issues -. despite Pisa-talk and the importance of grassroots sport is remarkable that to donate to the east, the willingness of Sport and Education to four percent of respondents higher than in the West (1 percent). But the small donations for local and regional institutions and projects (6 percent of respondents) or to political organizations (3 percent) instructions are that Ideeund importance of civic engagement is not sufficient giving behavior of the Germans penetrated.

source PricewaterhouseCoopers


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